On-Air coverage area for KXOK - FM 102.9MHz
Total Service Area (TSA) | (See map above)
TOTAL Available Audience (TAA): 694,277
Saint Louis City
Saint Louis County
Metro East Illinois
Over 93% of the adult population listens to radio on a weekly basis. That beats TV, newspapers, direct mail, even the internet. Find out how our affordable Sponsorship packages can help grow your business!
There are over 694,277 people in our coverage area and that does not include "online" listeners at KXOK.org | KXOK.com or listeners on our KXOK App and the many additional platforms that carry KXOK. Our on-air coverage area includes all of or portions of 5 different counties in Missouri and Illinois.
Our programming is targeted at adults 18 to 54 with our core demographic being women 25-49. Approximately 70% of our audience is women and we love it. Women are the movers and shakers in our society and especially in our economy. More than 80% of all retail purchases are made expressly by women or highly influenced by women.
KXOK-102.9 delivers
an estimated 694,277 listeners in Missouri and Illinois.
Reaching People
St. Louis Community Radio
For More Information CLICK on the LINK below.
KXOK.com | KXOK.org | KXOK-FM 102.9 | radiostl.com
P.O. Box 430123 - St. Louis, MO - 63143
Voice|text (314) 774-5400 - KXOKradio@gmail.com
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